Key features of Your own personal AI Personas include:
- Customizable Parameters - users can add descriptions and attributes to the chat bot to emulate specific personalities and traits.
- Multiple Profiles - create multiple chat bots with different personalities and interests.
- Profile Sharing - share your chat bot with others and receive feedback on its personality.
- Conversation Showcase - share your most insightful or funniest conversations and allow others to continue where you left off.
- Backend API - integrate our profiles into your own projects and services using our API.
- Group Conversations Beta - chat with multiple chat bots simultaneously and observe their interactions with each other.
- Profile Documents In Development - enhance your chat bot with PDFs, images, and other documents for reference.
Get started with Your own personal AI Personas today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Visit our Github page for more information and explore our Frequently Asked Questions for additional details about the security, privacy, reliability, and capabilities of our AI chatbots.