Key features of GigaBrain include:
- Search anything you are curious about and scan billions of comments from online discussion threads to find you answers.
- Get the TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) version of the most useful answers, automatically threaded together with source citations.
- Combine human feedback with cutting-edge language models to provide you with answers from reputable users.
- Highlight the products and places people are talking about, allowing you to rapidly gather feedback and opinions.
- Scan billions of discussions and return the most useful comments when you search on Google.
- Fine-tune results by rating comments based on their relevance to your search.
- Save the most useful content you find in a searchable archive.
- Post your own questions through GigaPost to be syndicated to all relevant subreddits.
- Get early access to new features that help you find out what real people think.