Key features of Onnix AI include:
- Slide Decks: Create personalized slide decks 10x faster. Onnix learns from old presentations and quickly puts together slides, allowing you to focus on observations and storytelling. Iterating decks is now a fraction of the time.
- Excel Analysis: Run data analyses and generate outputs seamlessly. Onnix integrates with FactSet, CapIQ, and other data providers, enabling banking teams to generate deeper insights without the need for coding.
- Data Source Querying: Get instant answers from your data providers. Ask Onnix any question from FactSet, CapIQ, or your preferred data provider, and receive traceable sources. Onnix links to your data sources and allows you to output and send responses directly.
Whether you're a senior team looking for quick data calculations or a junior team in need of niche client asks, Onnix AI is here to streamline your banking processes. Join our beta program and experience the future of banking with Onnix AI.