Use cases of ScriptRank include:
- Revolutionize your revision process with in-depth feedback on your story’s plot arcs, characters, story climax, genre, and thematic cohesion.
- Get your book ready for launch with a strong book description, Amazon + BISAC category keywords, Ad Copy, and Ad Promo recommendations.
- Catch typos, grammar misuses, commonly confused words, and punctuation errors so you know your novel is error-free.
- Looking to work with a literary agent? Get a personalized query letter based on your manuscript.
- Receive an accurate, comprehensive synopsis of your storyline.
- Get character arc insights to make your protagonists and antagonists unforgettable.
- Fine-tune the heartbeat of your story, from pacing and structure to critical plot points and tropes.
- Benchmark your story against genre essentials to meet and exceed reader anticipation.
- Get an evaluation of your central themes along with recommendations to enhance thematic expression through characters, settings, and more.