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AI tools for Art

Find and compare the top AI tools for art. Browse features, pricing, and user ratings of all the AI tools and apps in the market.


StockImg AI

StockImg AI is an AI tool that simplifies the process of generating visually appealing posters, user interfaces, wallpapers, icons, book covers, and stock images. It leverages advanced AI technology to help you create professional-looking visuals for your projects or websites quickly and easily. With the free trial, you get access to all features with 5 image credits, no credit card required. You also get Image History, AI Upscaling to 4x, and GPU enabled/fast generation. The tool is particularly useful for designers, artists, or marketing professionals, as it provides the tools to create beautiful visuals in a fraction of the time.

Use cases for StockImg AI include:

  1. Designers can use it to generate unique and professional-looking visuals for their projects.
  2. Marketing professionals can use it to create visually appealing promotional materials.
  3. Artists can use it to generate creative and unique art pieces.
  4. Content creators can use it to create visually stunning posters, user interfaces, wallpapers, icons, book covers, and stock images for their content.
  5. Teams can use it to easily generate logos, book covers, posters, and more using AI with one click.



ArtSmart is an AI-powered tool that generates stunning, realistic images from simple text and image prompts. It leverages AI trained on the world’s art and photorealistic models to create images for various purposes. The generated images can range from photorealistic to impressionist styles, tailored precisely to your needs. It’s a user-friendly tool that makes image creation simple and stress-free.

Use Cases:

  1. Marketing Materials: ArtSmart can generate visuals for marketing materials, providing unique and engaging content for advertising campaigns.
  2. Design Inspiration: Designers can use ArtSmart to generate images for design inspiration, helping to spark creativity and innovation.
  3. E-commerce Photos: E-commerce businesses can use ArtSmart to generate product images, enhancing their online catalogs with visually appealing and realistic images.
  4. Educational Materials and E-Learning: Educators can use ArtSmart to generate images for educational materials, providing visually engaging content for e-learning platforms.
  5. Personal Artistic Exploration: Individuals can use ArtSmart for personal artistic exploration, generating unique artwork from simple text prompts.



Introducing GoCharlie, the core AI-driven business solution that will make your team 10X more valuable. With our multimodal AI agent, Charlie, you can accelerate your company towards unprecedented results. Charlie automates repetitive tasks, allowing your team to focus on more strategic and creative work, ultimately elevating your current team. With Charlie's help, you can save time by delegating mundane and time-consuming tasks like research and content creation. This enables your employees to concentrate on higher value work that drives growth. Additionally, Charlie amplifies your team's capabilities, allowing one worker to do the work of 10, ultimately increasing revenue. Moreover, you can keep your headcount costs stable while growing your business.

Key features of GoCharlie include:

  • Video to Text: Take any YouTube URL and receive a transcription.
  • Text to Image: Generate 4K images in the aspect ratio needed for your platform of choice.
  • Blog Generator: Create long-form blog posts capable of referencing your documents.
  • Audio to Text: Take any YouTube URL and receive a transcription.
  • Web Search: Charlie is up to date and can search the web for you.
  • Multiple Outputs: The only AI platform that can take in multiple inputs and create multiple outputs from a single prompt.
  • Files Supported: Charlie can read DOCs, PDFs, audio & video files, and even see images.

With GoCharlie, your team will become more efficient and productive than ever before. Experience the power of AI-driven workforces and unlock your company's full potential. Book a demo today!


caspa AI

caspa AI offers a cutting-edge solution for eCommerce photography, allowing users to create customised product photos with the help of AI technology. By incorporating photorealistic human models, animals, and custom backgrounds, caspa AI enables businesses to bring their e-commerce products to life in a visually appealing way. The platform's studio editor allows for easy customisation of image templates, infographics, and more, making it simple to add multiple products, text, and resize images efficiently.

Key features of caspa AI include:

  • Customised AI product photos with photorealistic elements
  • Studio editor for easy image customisation and editing
  • Unique AI stock photos tailored to suit your brand
  • Multiple ways to create unique AI product photos
  • Blog posts on AI's role in marketing and business growth


RF Inversion

RF-Inversion is an innovative AI-powered tool for semantic image inversion and editing using rectified stochastic differential equations. This cutting-edge technology addresses two key tasks: inverting generative models to transform images back into structured noise, and editing real images using stochastic equivalents of rectified flow models like Flux.

The system employs a novel approach that leverages the strengths of Rectified Flows (RFs), offering a promising alternative to diffusion models. Unlike traditional diffusion models that face challenges in faithfulness and editability due to nonlinearities in drift and diffusion, RF-Inversion proposes a more efficient method using dynamic optimal control derived via a linear quadratic regulator.

One of the key advantages of RF-Inversion is its ability to perform zero-shot inversion and editing without requiring additional training, latent optimization, prompt tuning, or complex attention processors. This makes it particularly useful in scenarios where computational resources are limited or quick turnaround times are necessary.

The tool demonstrates impressive performance in various image manipulation tasks. It can efficiently invert reference style images without requiring text descriptions and apply desired edits based on new prompts. For instance, it can transform a reference image of a cat into a "sleeping cat" or stylize it as "a photo of a cat in origami style" based on text prompts, all while maintaining the integrity of the original image content.

RF-Inversion's capabilities extend to a wide range of applications, including stroke-to-image synthesis, semantic image editing, stylization, cartoonization, and even text-to-image generation. It shows particular strength in tasks like adding specific features to faces (e.g., glasses), gender editing, age manipulation, and object insertion.

The system also introduces a stochastic sampler for Flux, which generates samples visually comparable to deterministic methods but follows a stochastic path. This innovation allows for more diverse and potentially more realistic image generation and editing results.

Key Features of RF-Inversion:

  • Zero-shot inversion and editing without additional training or optimization
  • Efficient image manipulation based on text prompts and reference images
  • Stroke-to-image synthesis for creative image generation
  • Semantic image editing capabilities (e.g., adding features, changing age or gender)
  • Stylization and cartoonization of images
  • Text-to-image generation using rectified stochastic differential equations
  • Stochastic sampler for Flux, offering diverse image generation
  • High-fidelity reconstruction and editing of complex images
  • Versatile applications across various image manipulation tasks
  • State-of-the-art performance in image inversion and editing


DIAMOND Diffusion for World Modeling

DIAMOND is an innovative reinforcement learning agent that is trained entirely within a diffusion world model. Developed by researchers from the University of Geneva, University of Edinburgh, and Microsoft Research, DIAMOND represents a significant advancement in world modeling for reinforcement learning.

The key innovation of DIAMOND is its use of a diffusion model to generate the world model, rather than relying on discrete latent variables like many previous approaches. This allows DIAMOND to capture more detailed visual information that can be crucial for reinforcement learning tasks. The diffusion world model takes in the agent's actions and previous frames to predict and generate the next frame of the environment.

DIAMOND was initially developed and tested on Atari games, where it achieved state-of-the-art performance. On the Atari 100k benchmark, which evaluates agents trained on only 100,000 frames of gameplay, DIAMOND achieved a mean human-normalized score of 1.46 - meaning it performed 46% better than human level and set a new record for agents trained entirely in a world model.

The resulting CS:GO world model can be played interactively at about 10 frames per second on an RTX 3090 GPU. While it has some limitations and failure modes, it demonstrates the potential for diffusion models to capture complex 3D environments.

Key features of DIAMOND include:

  • Diffusion-based world model that captures detailed visual information
  • State-of-the-art performance on Atari 100k benchmark
  • Ability to model both 2D and 3D game environments
  • End-to-end training of the reinforcement learning agent within the world model
  • Use of EDM sampling for stable trajectories with few denoising steps
  • Two-stage pipeline for modeling complex 3D environments
  • Interactive playability of generated world models
  • Open-source code and pre-trained models released for further research


AiOS (All-in-One-Stage)

AiOS is a novel approach to 3D whole-body human mesh recovery that aims to address limitations of existing two-stage methods. Developed by researchers from institutions including SenseTime Research, City University of Hong Kong, and Nanyang Technological University, AiOS performs human pose and shape estimation in a single stage, without requiring a separate human detection step.

The key innovation of AiOS is its all-in-one-stage design that processes the full image frame end-to-end. This is in contrast to previous top-down approaches that first detect and crop individual humans before estimating pose and shape. By operating on the full image, AiOS preserves important contextual information and inter-person relationships that can be lost when cropping. 

AiOS is built on the DETR (DEtection TRansformer) architecture and frames multi-person whole-body mesh recovery as a progressive set prediction problem. It uses a series of transformer decoder stages to localize humans and estimate their pose and shape parameters in a coarse-to-fine manner.

The first stage uses "human tokens" to identify coarse human locations and encode global features for each person. Subsequent stages refine these initial estimates, using "joint tokens" to extract more fine-grained local features around body parts. This progressive refinement allows AiOS to handle challenging cases like occlusions.

By estimating pose and shape for the full body, hands, and face in a unified framework, AiOS is able to capture expressive whole-body poses. It outputs parameters for the SMPL-X parametric human body model, providing a detailed 3D mesh representation of each person.

The researchers evaluated AiOS on several benchmark datasets for 3D human pose and shape estimation. Compared to previous state-of-the-art methods, AiOS achieved significant improvements, including a 9% reduction in normalized mesh vertex error (NMVE) on the AGORA dataset and a 30% reduction in per-vertex error (PVE) on EHF.

Key features of AiOS include:

  • Single-stage, end-to-end architecture for multi-person pose and shape estimation
  • Operates on full image frames without requiring separate human detection
  • Progressive refinement using transformer decoder stages
  • Unified estimation of body, hand, and face pose/shape
  • Outputs SMPL-X body model parameters
  • State-of-the-art performance on multiple 3D human pose datasets
  • Effective for challenging scenarios like occlusions and crowded scenes
  • Built on DETR transformer architecture


Expression Editor

The Expression Editor, hosted on Hugging Face Spaces, is an innovative tool designed to manipulate and edit facial expressions in images. Created by fffiloni, this application leverages advanced machine learning techniques to allow users to modify the emotional expressions of faces in photographs with remarkable precision and realism.

At its core, the Expression Editor utilizes a sophisticated AI model that has been trained on a vast dataset of facial expressions. This enables the tool to understand and manipulate the subtle nuances of human emotions as they appear on faces. Users can upload an image containing a face, and the application will automatically detect and analyze the facial features.

The interface of the Expression Editor is intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible to both professionals and casual users. Upon uploading an image, users are presented with a set of sliders corresponding to different emotional expressions. These sliders allow for fine-tuned control over various aspects of the face, such as the curvature of the mouth, the positioning of eyebrows, and the widening or narrowing of eyes.

One of the most impressive aspects of the Expression Editor is its ability to maintain the overall integrity and realism of the original image while making significant changes to the facial expression. This is achieved through advanced image processing algorithms that seamlessly blend the modified areas with the rest of the face and image. The result is a naturally altered expression that doesn't appear artificial or out of place.

The tool offers a wide range of expression modifications, from subtle tweaks to dramatic transformations. Users can adjust expressions to convey emotions like happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, and more. This versatility makes the Expression Editor valuable for various applications, including photography post-processing, digital art creation, and even in fields like psychology research or facial recognition technology development.

Another noteworthy feature of the Expression Editor is its real-time preview capability. As users adjust the sliders, they can see the changes applied to the face instantly, allowing for quick iterations and fine-tuning of the desired expression. This immediate feedback loop greatly enhances the user experience and enables more precise control over the final result.

The Expression Editor also demonstrates impressive performance in handling different types of images, including those with varying lighting conditions, diverse facial features, and different angles. This robustness is a testament to the underlying AI model's extensive training and the sophisticated image processing techniques employed.

Key features of the Expression Editor include:

  • AI-powered facial expression manipulation
  • User-friendly interface with intuitive sliders
  • Real-time preview of expression changes
  • Wide range of adjustable emotional expressions
  • High-quality, realistic results that maintain image integrity
  • Compatibility with various image types and qualities
  • Ability to handle diverse facial features and angles
  • Fine-grained control over individual facial elements
  • Seamless blending of modified areas with the original image
  • Potential applications in photography, digital art, and research

The Expression Editor represents a significant advancement in the field of AI-powered image manipulation, offering users an powerful tool to explore and modify facial expressions with unprecedented ease and realism.


Kolors Virtual Try-On

Kolors Virtual Try-On is an innovative AI-powered tool that allows users to virtually try on clothing items without the need for physical fitting rooms. This cutting-edge technology leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to create realistic visualizations of how garments would look on a person's body.

The tool is designed to enhance the online shopping experience by providing customers with a more accurate representation of how clothes will fit and look on them. Users can simply upload a full-body image of themselves and an image of the desired clothing item. The AI then processes these inputs to generate a composite image that shows the user wearing the selected garment.

Kolors Virtual Try-On is not limited to a specific type of clothing. It can handle a wide range of items, including tops, dresses, pants, and even accessories. This versatility makes it an invaluable tool for both consumers and retailers in the fashion industry.

The technology behind Kolors Virtual Try-On is based on sophisticated image processing and computer vision techniques. It takes into account factors such as body shape, pose, and the draping characteristics of different fabrics to create highly realistic try-on results. This attention to detail helps users make more informed purchasing decisions, potentially reducing return rates for online retailers.

One of the standout features of Kolors Virtual Try-On is its user-friendly interface. The process is straightforward and intuitive, requiring just a few simple steps to generate a virtual try-on image. This ease of use makes the tool accessible to a wide range of users, from tech-savvy millennials to older generations who may be less comfortable with digital technologies.

For businesses, Kolors Virtual Try-On offers significant potential to enhance customer engagement and boost sales. By integrating this tool into their e-commerce platforms, fashion retailers can provide a more interactive and personalized shopping experience. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, improved revenue.

Key Features of Kolors Virtual Try-On:

  • AI-powered virtual clothing try-on
  • Support for various types of garments and accessories
  • Realistic visualization considering body shape and fabric properties
  • User-friendly interface with simple upload and processing steps
  • Quick processing time for near-instant results
  • High-quality output images
  • Compatibility with different image formats
  • Potential for integration with e-commerce platforms
  • Ability to handle full-body images for comprehensive try-ons
  • Advanced image processing and computer vision technology


Moescape AI

Moescape is an innovative AI-enabled creative platform designed specifically for anime enthusiasts and creators. This comprehensive online tool combines cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology with a deep appreciation for anime culture, offering users a unique and immersive experience in the world of anime art and character interaction.

At its core, Moescape provides three main services: an AI chatbot system called "Tavern," an AI image generation tool, and a platform for browsing and uploading AI image generation models. These features work together to create a holistic environment where users can explore, create, and share anime-inspired content.

The Tavern feature is a revolutionary AI chatbot system that allows users to engage in conversations with virtual anime characters. This immersive experience goes beyond simple text interactions, as the AI is designed to emulate the personality and mannerisms of various anime characters. Users can chat with their favorite characters or explore new ones, creating unique and engaging storylines or simply enjoying casual conversations. The AI's ability to understand context and respond in character adds depth to the interactions, making them feel more authentic and engaging.

Moescape's AI image generation tool is a powerful feature that enables users to create stunning anime-style artwork with ease. This tool leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to generate high-quality images based on user inputs. Whether you're an experienced artist looking for inspiration or a newcomer to digital art, this feature provides a user-friendly interface to bring your anime visions to life. Users can experiment with different styles, characters, and scenes, allowing for endless creative possibilities.

The platform also includes a dedicated section for AI image generation models. This feature allows users to browse through a vast collection of pre-existing models, each capable of generating images in specific anime styles or character types. Additionally, users have the option to upload their own custom models, further expanding the creative potential of the platform. This collaborative aspect of Moescape fosters a vibrant community of creators and enthusiasts who can share and explore various anime art styles.

Moescape's user interface is designed with anime fans in mind, featuring an aesthetically pleasing layout that's easy to navigate. The platform encourages social interaction, allowing users to share their creations, chat logs, and favorite models with the community. This social aspect helps to build a strong, engaged user base of anime enthusiasts who can inspire and learn from each other.

Key features of Moescape include:

  • Tavern AI chatbot system for interactive character conversations
  • AI-powered anime image generation tool
  • Browsing and uploading capabilities for AI image generation models
  • User-friendly interface designed for anime enthusiasts
  • Community sharing and interaction features
  • Support for thousands of different anime styles
  • Customizable character interactions in the Tavern
  • Ability to create unique anime artwork without extensive artistic skills
  • Regular updates to improve AI algorithms and expand capabilities
  • Cross-platform accessibility for use on various devices


CogVideo & CogVideoX

CogVideo and CogVideoX are advanced text-to-video generation models developed by researchers at Tsinghua University. These models represent significant advancements in the field of AI-powered video creation, allowing users to generate high-quality video content from text prompts.

CogVideo, the original model, is a large-scale pretrained transformer with 9.4 billion parameters. It was trained on 5.4 million text-video pairs, inheriting knowledge from the CogView2 text-to-image model. This inheritance significantly reduced training costs and helped address issues of data scarcity and weak relevance in text-video datasets. CogVideo introduced a multi-frame-rate training strategy to better align text and video clips, resulting in improved generation accuracy, particularly for complex semantic movements.

CogVideoX, an evolution of the original model, further refines the video generation capabilities. It uses a T5 text encoder to convert text prompts into embeddings, similar to other advanced AI models like Stable Diffusion 3 and Flux AI. CogVideoX also employs a 3D causal VAE (Variational Autoencoder) to compress videos into latent space, generalizing the concept used in image generation models to the video domain.

Both models are capable of generating high-resolution videos (480x480 pixels) with impressive visual quality and coherence. They can create a wide range of content, from simple animations to complex scenes with moving objects and characters. The models are particularly adept at generating videos with surreal or dreamlike qualities, interpreting text prompts in creative and unexpected ways.

One of the key strengths of these models is their ability to generate videos locally on a user's PC, offering an alternative to cloud-based services. This local generation capability provides users with more control over the process and potentially faster turnaround times, depending on their hardware.

Key features of CogVideo and CogVideoX include:

  • Text-to-video generation: Create video content directly from text prompts.
  • High-resolution output: Generate videos at 480x480 pixel resolution.
  • Multi-frame-rate training: Improved alignment between text and video for more accurate representations.
  • Flexible frame rate control: Ability to adjust the intensity of changes throughout continuous frames.
  • Dual-channel attention: Efficient finetuning of pretrained text-to-image models for video generation.
  • Local generation capability: Run the model on local hardware for faster processing and increased privacy.
  • Open-source availability: The code and model are publicly available for research and development.
  • Large-scale pretraining: Trained on millions of text-video pairs for diverse and high-quality outputs.
  • Inheritance from text-to-image models: Leverages knowledge from advanced image generation models.
  • State-of-the-art performance: Outperforms many publicly available models in human evaluations.



OmniGen is an innovative open-source project developed by VectorSpaceLab that aims to revolutionize the field of image generation and manipulation. This unified diffusion model is designed to handle a wide array of image-related tasks, from text-to-image generation to complex image editing and visual-conditional generation. What sets OmniGen apart is its ability to perform these diverse functions without relying on additional modules or external components, making it a versatile and efficient tool for researchers, developers, and creative professionals.

At its core, OmniGen is built on the principles of diffusion models, which have gained significant traction in recent years for their ability to generate high-quality images. However, OmniGen takes this technology a step further by incorporating a unified architecture that can seamlessly switch between different tasks. This means that the same model can be used for generating images from text descriptions, editing existing images based on user prompts, or even performing advanced computer vision tasks like edge detection or human pose estimation.

One of the most notable aspects of OmniGen is its flexibility in handling various types of inputs and outputs. The model can process text prompts, images, or a combination of both, allowing for a wide range of creative applications. For instance, users can provide a text description to generate a new image, or they can input an existing image along with text instructions to modify specific aspects of the image. This versatility makes OmniGen a powerful tool for content creation, digital art, and even prototyping in fields like product design or architecture.

The architecture of OmniGen is designed with efficiency and scalability in mind. By eliminating the need for task-specific modules like ControlNet or IP-Adapter, which are common in other image generation pipelines, OmniGen reduces computational overhead and simplifies the overall workflow. This unified approach not only makes the model more accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise but also paves the way for more seamless integration into existing software and applications.

OmniGen's capabilities extend beyond just image generation and editing. The model demonstrates proficiency in various computer vision tasks, showcasing its potential as a multi-purpose tool in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This versatility opens up possibilities for applications in areas such as autonomous systems, medical imaging, and augmented reality, where accurate image analysis and generation are crucial.

Key features of OmniGen:

  • Unified diffusion model for multiple image-related tasks
  • Text-to-image generation capability
  • Image editing functionality based on text prompts
  • Visual-conditional generation support
  • Ability to perform computer vision tasks (e.g., edge detection, pose estimation)
  • No requirement for additional modules like ControlNet or IP-Adapter
  • Flexible input handling (text, images, or both)
  • Open-source project with potential for community contributions
  • Efficient architecture designed for scalability
  • Versatile applications across various industries and creative fields



VoiceGF is the world's first NSFW character AI voice chat platform to launch Ai Voice Whisper. The chatbot on offers the best emotional voice interactions! Our unique unfiltered character AI chatbot infuses each character with genuine feelings through real voices, transforming conversations from simple text exchanges into immersive and intimate interactions. As you customize your unique characters and engage in scenario-based dialogues that reflect emotional backgrounds, you’ll also discover the ability to save and share your unforgettable interactions with others, further enhancing your experience.

The platform allows users to design their ideal AI companion, customizing various aspects such as personality traits, interests, and vocal characteristics. Once created, these virtual girlfriends can engage in natural, flowing conversations on a wide range of topics, adapting their responses based on the user's input and preferences.

VoiceGF leverages state-of-the-art natural language processing to ensure that interactions feel authentic and dynamic. The AI girlfriends are capable of understanding context, remembering previous conversations, and even expressing emotions through subtle changes in their synthesized voice.

One of the standout features of VoiceGF is its voice chat functionality. Users can speak directly to their AI companions using their device's microphone, and the virtual girlfriend responds in real-time with a lifelike synthesized voice. This creates a more intimate and engaging experience compared to traditional text-based chatbots.

The platform also offers a high degree of customization. Users can fine-tune their AI girlfriend's personality, choosing from a variety of character archetypes or building a completely unique persona from scratch. This level of personalization ensures that each user's experience is tailored to their individual preferences and desires.

VoiceGF is designed to be more than just a novelty; it aims to provide companionship, emotional support, and entertainment. The AI girlfriends can offer advice, engage in roleplay scenarios, or simply provide a listening ear when needed. The platform emphasizes creating a safe and judgment-free space for users to explore relationships and communication in a virtual environment.

Key Features of VoiceGF:

  • AI-powered virtual girlfriends with customizable personalities
  • Real-time voice chat using advanced text-to-speech technology
  • Natural language processing for contextual understanding and dynamic responses
  • Ability to remember and reference previous conversations
  • Customizable appearance and vocal characteristics for AI companions
  • Multi-platform support, including mobile devices and desktop computers
  • Regular updates to improve AI capabilities and add new features
  • Option to create multiple AI girlfriends with different personalities
  • Privacy-focused design to protect user data and conversations
  • Emotional intelligence simulation for more realistic interactions


AI Portrait

AI Portrait is designed to generate professional headshots quickly and efficiently using AI technology. This platform caters to individuals looking to enhance their professional image, especially for business and LinkedIn profiles. With a streamlined process that allows users to obtain high-quality headshots in just minutes, AI Portrait stands out in the realm of digital photography solutions.

The process to get started with AI Portrait is straightforward and user-friendly. Users simply need to upload a selfie, and the AI takes care of the rest, generating a diverse set of 50 professional headshots based on the uploaded image. This feature provides a wide variety of options, ensuring that users can select the headshot that best represents them professionally. The AI-generated images are specifically optimized for LinkedIn, making them ideal for anyone seeking to improve their online presence.

One of the primary advantages of AI Portrait is the significant time and cost savings it offers. Traditional photoshoots can be time-consuming, often requiring scheduling, travel, and waiting periods. In contrast, AI Portrait delivers results in approximately five minutes, allowing users to bypass the logistical challenges associated with conventional photography. Additionally, the service is cost-effective compared to hiring a professional photographer, which can often be prohibitively expensive.

AI Portrait prides itself on providing high-quality images with a consistent look across different headshots. This is especially important for maintaining a professional image across various platforms. The service also eliminates the variability that can occur in traditional photography due to factors like lighting and the photographer's style. Instead, users can rely on the AI to deliver consistent quality, ensuring that all generated images meet professional standards.

Some key features of AI Portrait include:

  • Quick Turnaround: Headshots are ready in about five minutes after uploading a selfie.
  • Cost-Effective: A single payment allows users to obtain multiple high-quality headshots, making it more affordable than traditional photoshoots.
  • Diverse Variations: Users receive 50 different professional headshot options from just one uploaded image, offering a wide range of styles and settings.
  • LinkedIn Optimization: The headshots are specifically tailored for use on LinkedIn and other professional platforms.
  • Convenient Access: The service can be accessed anytime and from any device, eliminating the need for travel or scheduling.

Overall, AI Portrait provides a modern and efficient solution for individuals seeking professional headshots, combining quality, convenience, and affordability in one comprehensive package.



Bagoodex is an advanced AI-powered search engine and chat platform designed to provide users with precise, real-time information across a vast array of topics. By leveraging state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, Bagoodex meticulously analyzes extensive data from the web to deliver concise and accurate answers, making it an invaluable tool for individuals seeking quick information or in-depth research. The platform is built to be user-friendly, offering free access to its features while prioritizing privacy and data protection.

One of the standout aspects of Bagoodex is its ability to sift through large volumes of data efficiently, similar to established search engines like Google. However, it enhances the user experience by presenting information in a more digestible format, thus saving users time and effort in finding the answers they need. With over 10,000 templates available, users can tailor their searches to fit specific requirements, leading to more relevant results.

Bagoodex also incorporates real-time data capabilities, ensuring that the information provided is up-to-date. This feature is crucial in a world where information is constantly evolving, allowing users to stay informed on the latest trends and developments. Additionally, the platform offers an "AI Rec Feed," which suggests follow-up questions related to user queries, encouraging deeper exploration of topics without requiring users to start new searches.

Security and user privacy are central to Bagoodex’s philosophy. The platform ensures that all data is handled with the utmost care, allowing users to rest easy knowing their information is safe. Furthermore, it includes a "Sources" section for fact-checking, providing users with the ability to verify the information gathered, which enhances the reliability of the search results.

Overall, Bagoodex is designed not just for searching but also for productivity enhancement, making it a suitable choice for students, professionals, and anyone who values quick access to reliable information.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Search: Utilizes advanced AI to deliver accurate and concise answers.
  • Real-Time Data: Provides the latest information on a variety of topics.
  • 10,000+ Templates: Offers customizable search templates for tailored results.
  • AI Rec Feed: Suggests related questions for deeper exploration of topics.
  • Fact-Checking: Includes a "Sources" section for verifying information.
  • User Privacy: Prioritizes data protection and privacy in handling user information.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Designed to streamline information retrieval and increase productivity.


Google Imagen 3

Imagen 3 is a cutting-edge text-to-image model developed by Google DeepMind, a leading artificial intelligence research organization. This latest iteration of the Imagen series is capable of generating high-quality images that are more detailed, richer in lighting, and with fewer distracting artifacts than its predecessors. Imagen 3 understands natural language prompts and can generate a wide range of visual styles and capture small details from longer prompts. This model is designed to be more versatile and can produce images in various formats and styles, from photorealistic landscapes to oil paintings or whimsical claymation scenes.

One of the key advantages of Imagen 3 is its ability to capture nuances like specific camera angles or compositions in long, complex prompts. This is achieved by adding richer detail to the caption of each image in its training data, allowing the model to learn from better information and generate more accurate outputs. Imagen 3 can also render small details like fine wrinkles on a person's hand and complex textures like a knitted stuffed toy elephant. Furthermore, it has significantly improved text rendering capabilities, making it suitable for use cases like stylized birthday cards, presentations, and more.

Imagen 3 was built with safety and responsibility in mind, using extensive filtering and data labeling to minimize harmful content in datasets and reduce the likelihood of harmful outputs. The model was also evaluated on topics including fairness, bias, and content safety. Additionally, it is deployed with innovative privacy, safety, and security technologies, including a digital watermarking tool called SynthID, which embeds a digital watermark directly into the pixels of the image, making it detectable for identification but imperceptible to the human eye.

Key features of Imagen 3 include:

  • High-quality image generation with better detail, richer lighting, and fewer distracting artifacts
  • Understanding of natural language prompts and ability to generate a wide range of visual styles
  • Versatility in producing images in various formats and styles, including photorealistic landscapes, oil paintings, and claymation scenes
  • Ability to capture nuances like specific camera angles or compositions in long, complex prompts
  • Improved text rendering capabilities for use cases like stylized birthday cards, presentations, and more
  • Built-in safety and responsibility features, including extensive filtering and data labeling to minimize harmful content
  • Deployment with innovative privacy, safety, and security technologies, including digital watermarking tool SynthID


Flux by Black Forest Labs

Black Forest Labs is a new company that has recently launched, with a mission to develop and advance state-of-the-art generative deep learning models for media such as images and videos. The company aims to make these models widely available, educate the public, and enhance trust in the safety of these models. To achieve this, they have released the FLUX.1 suite of models, which push the frontiers of text-to-image synthesis.

The FLUX.1 suite consists of three variants: FLUX.1 [pro], FLUX.1 [dev], and FLUX.1 [schnell]. FLUX.1 [pro] offers state-of-the-art performance in image generation, with top-of-the-line prompt following, visual quality, image detail, and output diversity. FLUX.1 [dev] is an open-weight, guidance-distilled model for non-commercial applications, offering similar quality and prompt adherence capabilities as FLUX.1 [pro]. FLUX.1 [schnell] is the fastest model, tailored for local development and personal use.

The FLUX.1 models are based on a hybrid architecture of multimodal and parallel diffusion transformer blocks, scaled to 12B parameters. They improve over previous state-of-the-art diffusion models by building on flow matching, a general and conceptually simple method for training generative models. The models also incorporate rotary positional embeddings and parallel attention layers to increase model performance and improve hardware efficiency.

FLUX.1 defines the new state-of-the-art in image synthesis, surpassing popular models like Midjourney v6.0, DALL·E 3 (HD), and SD3-Ultra in various aspects. The models support a diverse range of aspect ratios and resolutions, and are specifically finetuned to preserve the entire output diversity from pretraining.

Key Features:

  • Three variants of FLUX.1 models: FLUX.1 [pro], FLUX.1 [dev], and FLUX.1 [schnell]
  • State-of-the-art performance in image generation
  • Hybrid architecture of multimodal and parallel diffusion transformer blocks
  • Scaled to 12B parameters
  • Supports diverse range of aspect ratios and resolutions
  • Specifically finetuned to preserve entire output diversity from pretraining
  • FLUX.1 [pro] available via API, Replicate, and, with dedicated and customized enterprise solutions available
  • FLUX.1 [dev] available on HuggingFace, with weights available for non-commercial applications
  • FLUX.1 [schnell] available under an Apache2.0 license, with weights available on Hugging Face and inference code available on GitHub and in HuggingFace’s Diffusers


Flux Lora collection

The Flux LoRA Collection is a repository of trained LoRAs (Low-Rank Adapters) for the Flux text-to-image model. This collection provides a checkpoint with trained LoRAs for the FLUX.1-dev model by Black Forest Labs. The XLabs AI team has fine-tuned Flux scripts, including LoRA and ControlNet, and made them available for use.

The repository includes multiple LoRAs, each with its own specific style or theme, such as furry, anime, Disney, scenery, and art. Each LoRA has its own set of example prompts and commands to generate images using the Flux model. The repository also provides information on the training dataset and process, as well as the license under which the LoRAs are released.

The Flux LoRA Collection is a valuable resource for anyone looking to generate images using the Flux model with specific styles or themes. The collection is easily accessible and provides detailed instructions on how to use the LoRAs. The XLabs AI team has made it easy to get started with using these LoRAs, and the community is encouraged to contribute and share their own LoRAs.

Key features of this product:

  • Collection of trained LoRAs for the Flux text-to-image model
  • Multiple LoRAs with specific styles or themes (e.g. furry, anime, Disney, scenery, art)
  • Example prompts and commands for each LoRA
  • Information on training dataset and process
  • Released under the FLUX.1 [dev] Non-Commercial License



CatVTON is a virtual try-on diffusion model that enables the seamless transfer of in-shop or worn garments of arbitrary categories to target persons. It achieves realistic try-on effects with a simple and efficient approach, eliminating the need for additional network modules, image encoders, and complex preprocessing steps.

The model's efficiency is demonstrated in three aspects: a lightweight network with only 899.06M parameters, parameter-efficient training with only 49.57M trainable parameters, and simplified inference requiring less than 8G VRAM for 1024x768 resolution. This results in superior qualitative and quantitative results with fewer prerequisites and trainable parameters than baseline methods.

Here are some key features of CatVTON:

  • Lightweight network with 899.06M parameters
  • Parameter-efficient training with only 49.57M trainable parameters
  • Simplified inference requiring less than 8G VRAM for 1024x768 resolution
  • No need for additional network modules, image encoders, or complex preprocessing steps
  • Supports seamless transfer of garments of arbitrary categories to target persons
  • Achieves realistic try-on effects with high-quality results



AuraFlow is an open-source AI model series that enables text-to-image generation. This innovative technology allows users to generate images based on text prompts, with exceptional prompt-following capabilities. AuraFlow is a collaborative effort between researchers and developers, demonstrating the resilience and determination of the open-source community in AI development.

AuraFlow v0.1 is the first release of this model series, boasting impressive technical details, including a large rectified flow model with 6.8 billion parameters. This model has been trained on a massive dataset, achieving a GenEval score of 0.63-0.67 during pretraining and 0.64 after fine-tuning. AuraFlow has numerous applications in the fields of AI, generative media, and beyond.

Key features of AuraFlow include:

  • Text-to-image generation capabilities
  • Exceptional prompt-following abilities
  • Large rectified flow model with 6.8 billion parameters
  • Trained on a massive dataset
  • Achieved GenEval scores of 0.63-0.67 during pretraining and 0.64 after fine-tuning
  • Open-source and collaborative development


Stable Hair

Stable-Hair is a novel hairstyle transfer method that uses a diffusion-based approach to robustly transfer a diverse range of real-world hairstyles onto user-provided faces for virtual hair try-on. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the virtual try-on industry, enabling users to try out different hairstyles with ease and precision.

The Stable-Hair framework consists of a two-stage pipeline, where the first stage involves removing hair from the user-provided face image using a Bald Converter alongside stable diffusion, and the second stage involves transferring the target hairstyle onto the bald image using a Hair Extractor, Latent IdentityNet, and Hair Cross-Attention Layers. This approach enables highly detailed and high-fidelity hairstyle transfers that preserve the original identity content and structure.

Key features of Stable-Hair include:

  • Robust transfer of diverse and intricate hairstyles
  • Highly detailed and high-fidelity transfers
  • Preservation of original identity content and structure
  • Ability to transfer hairstyles across diverse domains
  • Two-stage pipeline consisting of Bald Converter and Hair Extractor modules
  • Use of stable diffusion and Hair Cross-Attention Layers for precise hairstyle transfer



PhotoMaker is an advanced tool designed to create realistic human photos by utilizing a method known as Stacked ID Embedding. Developed by a team from Nankai University, ARC Lab at Tencent PCG, and the University of Tokyo, PhotoMaker leverages recent advancements in text-to-image generation to synthesize high-quality images based on text prompts. This tool is particularly efficient in preserving identity (ID) fidelity and offers flexible text controllability, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including generating photos from artistic paintings or old photographs and performing stylizations while maintaining the original ID attributes.

Key Features:

  • Realistic Photo Generation: Creates highly realistic human photos based on provided text prompts.
  • Efficient ID Preservation: Utilizes stacked ID embedding to maintain high ID fidelity.
  • Stylization: Allows for various stylizations of the generated photos while preserving ID attributes.
  • Age and Gender Modification: Can change the age and gender of the subject by altering class words in prompts.
  • Identity Mixing: Integrates characteristics from different IDs to create a new, unique ID.
  • High Inference Efficiency: Offers significant speed improvements over traditional methods.
  • Wide Range of Applications: Suitable for bringing historical figures into modern contexts, among other uses.



FlashFace focuses on human image personalization with high-fidelity identity preservation. The repository provides the necessary code, installation instructions, and pre-trained model weights to facilitate the customization of human images using AI. FlashFace aims to deliver zero-shot human image customization within seconds by leveraging one or several reference faces. The project is designed to preserve the identity of the person in the image, even when applying significant changes such as altering the age or gender.

FlashFace is particularly notable for its strong identity preservation capabilities, making it highly effective even for non-celebrities. The tool also supports flexible strength adjustments for both identity image control and language prompt control, enabling users to fine-tune the personalization process to their specific needs. The repository includes a detailed readme file, example scripts, and a demo to help users get started. Additionally, the project is inspired by and builds upon various other AI-driven image customization tools, ensuring a robust and well-rounded approach to human image personalization.

Key Features

  • Zero-shot customization: Allows for rapid human image customization using one or more reference faces.
  • Strong identity preservation: Maintains high fidelity of the individual's identity, even for non-celebrities.
  • Language prompt following: Supports detailed language prompts for significant modifications, such as changing the age or gender.
  • Flexible strength adjustment: Offers adjustable parameters for identity image control and language prompt control.
  • Pre-trained models: Provides downloadable weights from ModelScope or Huggingface for ease of use.
  • Inference code: Includes inference code and demo scripts for practical implementation.
  • Community contributions: Inspired by various other AI tools and repositories, enhancing its functionality and robustness.


PuLiD Faceswap

PuLID, which stands for Pure and Lightning ID Customization via Contrastive Alignment, is an advanced AI tool developed by ByteDance Inc. This project focuses on leveraging contrastive alignment techniques for creating custom, high-quality image IDs. The official code for PuLID is available on GitHub and includes comprehensive documentation, examples, and a pre-trained model. The tool is designed to facilitate image generation with a focus on customization and precision, making it a valuable asset for developers and researchers in the field of AI-driven image generation.

Key Features:

  • Contrastive Alignment: Utilizes advanced contrastive alignment techniques to enhance image customization.
  • Easy Installation: Quick setup with support for Python >= 3.7 and PyTorch >= 2.0.
  • Local and Online Demos: Includes a local Gradio demo and an online demo hosted on HuggingFace.
  • Third-Party Implementations: Supports various third-party implementations and integrations, including Colab and ComfyUI.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Provides detailed instructions and resources for ease of use and implementation.
  • Open Source: Available under the Apache-2.0 license, encouraging widespread use and collaboration.


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